FIGHTER: “The Duce wakes up at 6:30 every morning. After taking a coffee with some bread he goes riding. Then he goes straight to his office and starts his work. He has five whole ministries behind him. He never drinks alcohol, never smokes. He doesn’t eat meat. It feeds on fruits, fresh and baked, greens and pasta of our country. Duce is a fighter, […] he must always fight either in his work or against nature. In the summer, when he has an extra 1-2 hours, he drives his car to the beach, enters the sea and fights against the waves as if his life depended on them.”
JAPANESE: “As soon as I set foot in Tokyo, the sight I saw on the streets disappointed me. On the sidewalks and shops, women of all classes walked in their wooden shoes. They were all uniformly wrapped in clumsily tailored European coats or dark kimonos, with the obi (Japanese belt) giving them a comical kangaroo appearance. […] Many had their children on their backs, hidden under the kimono, through which their small heads were visible wrapped in a woolen hat. The only graphic detail was the large yellow paper umbrella they carry under their armpits, or the essential silk “kurosiki” they use as a bag.
PUBLIC BUILDINGS: It was now time to implement the years-discussed opinion on the concentration of government services in public buildings. The State pays a hundredfold in rents of dubious suitability of buildings and the budget is heavily burdened with the funds of these rents.