“Where do these expediencies end and where does dignity, social responsibility and sensitivity begin?”
He waited a bit, but he took a seat Antonis Kanakis after the uproar created by the report presented by Giorgos Liagas on Breakfast. With his post on social media, Kanakis throws insults at the reports after his death George Baldock at his home in Glyfada.
After others, he speaks of “rot and lobotomy”, while he mentions characteristically that “decadence and toxicity serves lamely and in the short term some television expediencies”.
“However, the stations, apparently unable to create interesting shows free of this ill-conceived television culture, get comfortable and reproduce the same phenomena, thinking that they serve their television purposes. Which I seriously doubt, because if you see the results of the TV viewing, you will be shocked by how many people have turned their backs on television and will easily understand that the tactics of the channels are leading the medium to certain and complete death in the long run”, writes Antonis Kanakis within its lengthy text.
The post of Antonis Kanakis
“What clothes was the lifeless body of the lad wearing? Was it designer? How much did they cost? Why didn’t we learn this?
Four days later, when nothing has changed, you will allow me two words.
Two conversations not about people, but about the channels.
After all, it is more a matter not so much of persons (not everyone and everything is the same of course), but of a certain television culture that the channels choose and perpetuate.
For decades now, my behind-the-scenes ferments and even clashes with TV stations have been about one main reason:
I always support the opinion that all this rot and lobotomy is not needed to achieve any television goals.
Certainly not to this extent.
But the stations, apparently unable to create interesting shows free of this ill-conceived television culture, get comfortable and reproduce the same phenomena, considering that they serve their television purposes. Something that I seriously doubt, because if one sees the results of television viewing, one will be shocked by how many people have turned their backs on television and will easily understand that the tactics of the channels lead the medium to certain and total death in the long run.
But let’s accept that the decadence and toxicity lamely serves some televised purposes in the short term, I WONDER:
Where do these expediencies end and where does dignity, social responsibility and sensitivity begin?
Or does this boundary not even exist, this bond and dignity along with social responsibility simply have no place in the wonderful new world we live in?
Y. C. On the other hand, the national football team. Children who, showing incredible spirit, honored their colleague, making history”.