The Spanish colonization of her peninsula Florida It had begun already in 1565. In the 18th century, however, and specifically in 1763, the area would pass through British domination through its first treaty Paris. During the War of Independence (1775-1783), the colonies of the Eastern and West Florida remained loyal to the British, but after its end and, under the second Treaty of Paris, with which the American Revolution ended in 1783, Florida re -entered her hands Spain.
However, Spanish domination in the region was not consistently established in the years that followed. Indeed, in 1810, the settlers in West Florida rebelled, declaring their independence from Spain. This development was made by President James Madison and Congress to claim the area, knowing that Spain was in a difficult position after the invasion of Napoleon’s forces in Chora in 1808. United States They argued that the section of West Florida from Mississippi to the river Perdido was part of Louisiana, as it was formed in 1803.
Florida negotiations officially began in 1815, with the mission of Spanish Foreign Minister Don Luis de Onis to Washington, where he met his counterpart, James Monroe. However, the issue was not to be resolved until Monroe became president and John Quincy Adams took over the position of Foreign Affairs. US and Spain’s relations remained strained during this time, as there were suspicions of US support in the Independence Games of the Spanish -American colonies.
Under the Treaty, the United States and Spain also set the western boundaries of Louisiana.
However, when General Andrew Jackson occupied the Spanish forts and executed two British citizens, on charges of motivating Indians and escapers, it became clear that the situation was rapid. Monroe’s government was seriously considering denouncing Jackson’s actions, but Adams defended him, arguing the need to limit the US and slaves who had escaped by the US, after the Spaniards had failed to do so. At the same time, Adams realized that Jackson’s practice had become popular with the Americans and diplomatically strengthened his country against Spain. In fact, he used Jackson’s military action to put Spain before the following dilemma: either to control the residents of Eastern Florida or to assign it to the United States.
With these facts, Onis and Adams reached an agreement with which Spain granted eastern Florida in the United States and resigned from any claim to the West. Spain did not receive any compensation, but the United States has agreed to take responsibility for $ 5m caused by US citizens during their revolution against Spain.
According to the Onis-Adams Treaty, signed on February 22, 1819, the United States and Spain also set the western boundaries of Louisiana, and Spain abandoned its claims to the northwestern Pacific. The official occupation of the US began in 1821, and Andrew Jackson was appointed a military commander. Florida was accepted in the Union in 1845.
Column: Myrto Katsigera, Vassilis Minakakis, Antigoni-Despina Poumenidou, Athanasios Syroplakis