In the middle of the 5th century, the power of Roman Empire It was seriously shaken by Attila’s Huns raids. In 450, Theodosius II died, leaving his successor Marcian the responsibility of dealing with barbaric sexes, which was burning the areas north of the border of the empire. Marcian was an old and distinguished soldier, who married the sister of the deceased emperor, Pulcheria, to ensure a general recognition of his recovery on the throne.
Being an energetic and active man, Marcian rushed to reorganize the defense of the Balkan provinces, while at the same time rejecting the Huns’ superb claims for peace. Seeing that the reins of the state had a decisive ruler, The Huns hesitated to attack Constantinopledeciding to turn their attention to the West. The Huns were defeated in the battle of nations in the Catalan fields (today’s France) in 451. Two years later their leader, Attilas, died suddenly, marking their fall.
Marcian has been moderate in his policy and a housekeeper in the management of public money.
Sources describe with bittersweet comments during the period of the Marcian Authority. He has been moderate in his policy and a housekeeper in the management of public money. It did not burden its nationals with burdensome taxes, even freeing them from some delayed tax debts, and stated for the maintenance of the capital’s aqueducts. The empire was again in growth rates. His sudden death, however, in 457 did not allow his work to continue.
After Marcian’s death, there was a void of power in the empire, as he did not make sure to appoint a successor. The almighty general of Prainendos and Alanos in Asparis, managed to raise his protector, Trivuno Leo, to the throne. Leo I came from Thrace and traveled to the Roman army, where he won the sympathy of his superiors, such as Aspar.
Leo’s first concern was to get rid of the annoying Committee of Aspar.
Aspar hoped that Leo would prove to be his obsessive organ. However, his expectations were not satisfied. Leo I’s first concern as Emperor was to get rid of the annoying committees of ASPE, opposing the crowds of his Gothic mercenaries the Isaurs’ warships. He placed on his side the Guardian of the Isaurus Tarasikis, who received the Greek name Zeno and married his daughter Emperor Ariadne. Gradually the Isaurus evolved into a significant pole of power in the imperial court.
When Leo I died, his grandson, Leo II, the son of Ariadne and Zeno. However, because he was still a minor, on February 9, 474, Zenon took over the post of co -emperor. When a few months later, Leo II died, Zenon was left alone with the responsibility of the administration of the vast empire.
In January 475 an uprising erupted, during which Zenon was overthrown.
The meteorical social rise of the Isaurs as well as their haughty behavior towards the elites of the empire created a strong anti-Isaurus stream. In January 475 an uprising erupted, during which Zenon was overthrown. For about twenty months, the fortunes of the Roman empire was managed by Vasiliskos, an incompetent ruler who had failed as a general to recapture Carthage from the Vandals in 468. After Emperor and Emperor was overthrown by Zeno, who was overthrown by Zeno. until his death in 491.
Column: Myrto Katsigera, Vassilis Minakakis, Antigoni-Despina Poumenidou, Athanasios Syroplakis