Among the many heroes and heroes of comic and the cartoon of our childhood, the ambitious short -lived stands out Great Vizier Iznogud. Having as his main goal of becoming a “caliph in place of the caliph” by overturning Harun El Pusach, the wicked Iznogud was constantly devising new plans, which always ended up in frustrating failure. At his side was his faithful assistant Dila Laros, who was not distinguished for his intelligence. The two usually fell – in an ironic way – victims of their own traps, driving to ridicule.
Iznogud’s character was inspired by the French writer René Gosinithe creator of Asterix, Luke Luke and Little Nicolas. Designer of the stories of the vizier radioacher was also the French cartoonist Jean -Tampari. Iznogud’s stories first made their appearance on January 15, 1962, in the Record Magazine, entitled “Caliph’s adventures happy El Pusach” Soon, however, the creators realized that the main protagonist of their comic book was the tireless Iznogud, and thus given the title we know it to this day. After Gosini’s death in 1977, the work of writing the stories continued by Tampari.
In 1987 the homonymous game was released and a few years later the homonymous cartoon series was released.
Gosini’s characteristic and satirical writing (and then tampari) did not allow the seemingly repetitive pattern of Iznogud’s stories to become boring. The short -lived vizier has evolved over the years into one of the most popular comic book worlds. In addition, Gosini also developed his skill in his skill in Iznogud’s stories cigaretrysomething that becomes obvious mainly in the Asterix series. After all, Iznogud’s name comes from the union of English words “is no good“, Stating that the central hero is not ultimately good at organizing plans for the overthrow of Caliph.
Gosini satirizes in Iznogud’s face the people who thirst for power, but almost always lead to constant failure and ridicule. It is overly arrogant and frivolous, as many of the people of modern society. What makes him “bad”, however, is the means he uses to fulfill his purpose.
The success that the comic book Iznogud experienced was huge. In 1987 he released the homonymous game by Infograms and a few years later, in 1995, the homonymous series of animations was released. After ten years, Iznogund’s first film was screened in French cinemas, with Michael Benayun performing the role of radioactive vizier.
Column: Myrto Katsigera, Vassilis Minakakis, Antigoni-Despina Poumenidou, Athanasios Syroplakis