The cash result of the central administration had a surplus of 1.870 billion euros
A primary surplus of 8 billion euros is shown by budget in the nine months of January – September 2024 on a cash basis compared to 5.3 billion euros in the corresponding period last year.
This development according to its data Bank of Greece resulted in the cash result of the central administration showing a surplus of 1.870 billion euros, against a deficit of 494 million euros in the corresponding period of 2023.
The positive fiscal picture is mainly due to the significant increase in regular budget revenues, which amounted to 49.269 billion euros, from 44.851 billion euros last year. As for regular budget expenditures, they amounted to 43.665 billion euros, up from 43.438 billion euros in the January-September 2023 period.
End, increase to 6.1 billion. euros, compared to 5.8 billion euros last year, show the interest paid by the budget to service the Public Debt.