Dr. George Sakorafas informs us
The term goitre is a general descriptive space referring to Increase thyroid dimensions. May be due to various causesas:
- Thyroid nodules.
- Thyroiditiswith more frequent Hashimoto thyroiditis (Hashimoto)
- Thyroidetc.
Basic Diagnostic Tools for Investigating Bronchocyte & Thyroid Cancer
OR accurate diagnostic investigation should always be done with special care, especially when there are thyroid nodules. Is known that the thyroid commonly manifested under thyroid nodule form.
There are specific diagnostic steps that should be done in this direction. Basic Diagnostic Tools is the ultrasound and the puncture with fine needle (FNA).
To thyroid ultrasoundthe radiologist can recognize some special echorphological characters of the nodule considered suspicious of thyroid cancer. In these cases, it should be done puncture with fine needle (FNA) of suspicious or suspicious nodules and cytological examination of the material obtained in the puncture.
With this diagnostic methodology can be documented the Diagnosis (or suspicion) of thyroid cancer.
Investigation of bronchial & thyroiditis Hashimoto
Often, in cytological can be discovered and some other findingsuch as cytological evidence of chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (thyroiditis Hashimoto), which has some technical importance (for surgery) for the surgeon.
An ordinary question of patients in these cases is: ‘Hasimoto is healed? OR Answer is obvioussince if necessary – on the basis of specific criteria – Total thyroidectomyindeed at the same time heals and the Hashimoto.
Bronchus & thyroid scintigraphy investigation
In the past, in the diagnostic investigation of patients with nodular bronchocele were often used and the thyroid scintigraphy. Generally, suspicious of malignancy are considered the so -called Cold nodules of thyroidthat is, the nodules that take to a lesser extent the radioisotope than the rest of the thyroid tissue. About 15-20 % of cold nodules to thyroid scintigraphy they conceive thyroid cancer. Today, however, the thyroid scintigraphy It is used much rarely and mainly in patients with hyperthyroidism and thyroid ozo (which may correspond to toxic adenoma).
The importance of preoperative control of patients with bronchocyte
An interesting finding is the random find thyroid to histological thyroid examination deducted with preoperative diagnosis’goitre” In a series of our own patients, it has been found (as a random find in histological examination) Cancer thyroid After removing thyroid (thyroidectomy) for considered benign disease (goitre) at 17 %.
This is important as it underlines the need of Detailed preoperative control of patients with goitre and most notably the need of a detailed and reliable ultrasoundwhere not only thyroid but also the cervical lymph nodes should be checked in all its anatomical apartments.
What specialties of doctors should be treated with bronchocyte patients, thyroid cancer & thyroiditis Hashimoto?
The treatment of patients with thyroid diseases (such as goitre; thyroid cancer; hassleetc.) should be done by specialized group of doctorsin which central role holds the thyroid surgeon. The patient should undergo careful and reliable diagnostic test in order to put the exact diagnosis and to decide the his further treatment.
OR cooperation of the surgeon should be close and with some other important to diagnose specialtiesas is the radiologistthe cytarologistthe nuclearetc. Specifically, the radiologist has a key role in the diagnostic investigation, as the ultrasound Today is the basic method of controlling patients with goitre and for her diagnosis of thyroid.
Beyond the ultrasound, the radiologist is the one who will make the puncture with fine needle (if considered necessary). And here It takes similar experiencein order to get representative material by the most Thyroid’s suspicious (ozone) damage. But also the cytarologist need to have experienceso that the cytological report that will deliver to respond to real problem of the patient.
Dr. George Sakorafas
Endocrine Gland Surgeon (Thyroid-Parathyroid)
Professor of Surgery University of Athens
T. Coordinator of the “Agios Savvas Surgery Hospital”