Increased by 406 million euros in tax revenue
A primary surplus of € 1.98 billion was released by the budget in January, against target for € 1.4 billion.according to the execution of the state budget, on a modified cash basis, for the period of January 2025.
Tax revenue was increased by EUR 314 million or 5.6% against the target, with almost half the revenue of overrun coming from VAT.
In detail, the announcement of the Ministry of National Economy and Finance states:
According to the execution of the state budget, on a modified cash basis, for the period of January 2025, a surplus of the state budget of EUR 758 million is presented against the target of a surplus of EUR 200 million included for the corresponding period of 2025 in the EUR 2025. corresponding period of 2024.
The primary outcome on a modified cash base stood at a surplus of EUR 1,980 million, against a target for a primary surplus of EUR 1,400 million and a primary surplus of EUR 2,282 million for the same period in 2024. It is noted that an amount of EUR 418 million relating to the late -day gain and a € 20 million euro and a year. It concerns the deprivation of payments by the Public Investment Program, do not affect the outcome of the general government on budgetary terms. Excluding these amounts, the primary result of the central administration is close to the target.
It should be noted that the primary outcome in budgetary terms differs from the outcome in cash terms. In addition, the above relate to the primary outcome of the central administration and not the whole general government, which includes the financial results of the legal entities and sub -divisions of the Local Authorities and OKAs.
In January 2025, the net revenue of the state budget amounted to EUR 5,991 million, down by EUR 106 million or 1.74% against the target included for the corresponding period in the budget report 2025.
It is noted that this amount contains, both in the revenue (in the category of “Sales of Goods and Services”) and on tax refunds (VAT), the amount of EUR 784.8 million from the transactions required in January 2025 for the completion of the new concession of the Attica Concession.
OR A decrease in net revenue in January is mainly due to reduced RIP revenue by EUR 585 million and is observed despite increased tax revenue by EUR 406 million after the deduction of refunds with the exception of the VAT refund of EUR 784.8 million, as mentioned above.
In particular, the revenue of the major categories of the state budget are as follows:
I. Taxes in the category amounted to EUR 5,879 million and is increased by EUR 314 million or 5.6% against the target included in the budget report of 2025. This supervision derives mainly from the better performance of VAT and VAT tax and taxpayers’ installments by the end of February 2025. It is noted that most of the tax revenue of January is affected in budgetary terms in the year 2024.
Specifically for the main taxes in this category, the following are observed:
- VAT revenue amounted to EUR 2,706 million and increased by the target of € 153 million.
- The revenue of the EFSC amounted to EUR 542 million and is increased by the target of € 11 million.
- Revenue revenue of real estate tax amounted to 102m euros and is reduced by the target by € 10m.
Income tax revenues amounted to EUR 2,014 million and is increased by the target of EUR 72 million, of which: the income tax of natural persons is increased by EUR 81 million, other income taxes increased by EUR 79 million, while the income tax of € 88 million. II. Revenue of the “Social Contributions” category amounted to EUR 5 million, according to the objective. III. Revenue in the “Transfers” category amounted to EUR 247 million, down by EUR 395 million against the target included in the budget report of 2025. EUR 92 million relates to RIP revenue, which is reduced by EUR 541 million against the target. IV. Revenue in the “Sales of Goods and Services” category amounted to EUR 884 million and includes € 784.8 million, as mentioned above.
Excluding this amount, the revenue of the major “sales of goods and services” amounted to almost 100m euros in accordance with the target. V. Revenue in the category “Other Current Revenue” amounted to EUR 183 million, down by EUR 119 million against the target included in the budget report of 2025. From the above collection of EUR 183 million, EUR 3 million is € 44 million in revenue.
Revenue refunds amounted to EUR 1,207 million and incorporate the VAT refund of EUR 784.8 million from the new Attica Odos concession contract, as mentioned above, which is budgeting in the year 2024.
Excluding this amount, tax refunds amounted to EUR 423 million and is reduced by EUR 93 million against the target (EUR 515 million) included in the budget report of 2025. A total revenue of the Public Investment Program (PDP) amounted to EUR 95 million, reduced by EUR 58 million. euro), included in the budget report of the budget 2025.
State budget expenditure for the period of January 2025 amounted to EUR 5,233 million and are reduced by EUR 664 million against the target (EUR 5,897 million), included in the 2025 budget report. by 365 million euros. In the regular budget, payments are reduced by the target by € 540 million. Excluding the dispute to the € 105 million distribution, which does not correspond to payments but to credit transfers to the other categories of payments, the difference in payments against the target amounts to EUR 435 million.
This difference is mainly documented by the hetero-time grants to hospitals and the Ministry of Education by EUR 418 million, which does not affect the outcome of the general government on budgetary terms.
Investment expenditure payments amounted to EUR 735 million, down by € 123 million compared to the target, included in the 2025 budget report.
At the same time, they are reduced compared to the corresponding payments of 2024 by € 213 million.
It should be noted that at the start of the financial year, the bodies are assuming credits to serve the unpaid liabilities of previous years, as well as in the context of many years of obligations.