Latest History News
On this day: December 17, 1770 – Ludwig van Beethoven is born
On April 2, 1800, Ludwig van Beethoven presented his First Symphony for…
On this day: December 18, 1916 – The bloody Battle of Verdun ends
“Not more than 200 meters above our heads, two enemy planes fly…
Master of the Greek theater
The director Dimitris Rontiris (Poros, 7/1/1899 – Athens, 20/12/1981) appears in the…
90 years ago in “K”… 17-12-1933
90 years ago in "K"... 17-12-1933
On this day: December 19, 1843 – Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Story is released
In the freezing winter of 1843, Charles Dickens writes a novella that…
90 Years Ago… 7–12–1933
90 Years Ago… 7–12–1933
On this day: December 8, 1974 – The referendum on the state
The 8th of December 1974 is an important date in the modern…
90 Years Ago… 8-12-1933
90 Years Ago... 8-12-1933
A military coup in a communist country
On the morning of December 13, 1981, the surprised Polish people were…
On this day: December 9, 1946 – The “Follow-up Nuremberg Trials” begin
The so-called, "Doctors' Trial" (officially known as "United States of America v.…