The presenter talked about people with disabilities
Etocles Paul was very upset with Dimitris Economou’s unthinkable statement about people with disabilities. The presenter of the broadcast “Breakfast@Star” broke out wildly against the journalist, but also against Akis Pavlopoulos, who did not take a position at the time.
“We are talking about a racist statement against people with disabilities. I didn’t expect to ever hear it. The message that has passed to millions of people with disabilities is “better to die” that your life has no value. It is dangerous what has been heard. If my mother listened to this statement while I was in the hospital, I think she couldn’t deal with it. Homes were poisoned by this statement. It is inhumane what has been heard, it is a hate rhetoric against people with disabilities, “he said initially Etocles Paul.
Etocles Paul then said: “A man didn’t tell him from above,” What did you say? Sorry. ” This statement was a crime, “killed” people’s dreams. The shame was also ashamed. A bucket of poison was thrown by a nationwide channel and two people, without correcting anything. We are hostages of these perceptions. In his post he said, “If I have saddened some, I apologize”, he actually puts the weight on us who interpreted something wrong. Really, aren’t you ashamed there? We were ashamed of we listened to it. Shame!”.
Etocles Paul also said: “To understand the danger of what was heard, my mother called me yesterday. And you know what he told me? I was apologized! He told me “Eteocles, my boy, when it was it to stay in a wheelchair, when we were fighting for your life, to know that I never thought they were better to be dead.” This woman took me to apologize to me for what was heard on Greek television. Racism enters the homes of people with disabilities. Dreams were “killed” and these two people will come out tomorrow, tomorrow and all good. And in five, six days, in a Paralympic medal, they will invite the Paralympics and say “we are next to you”. Shame!”.
In closing, Eteocles Paul said: “To address Mr. Economou and tell him that I did well. Better alive, I don’t prefer to die, I have my job, I have my wife, my family, my child, the people I love and love me. No, I wouldn’t rather be dead. “