“I also went to my associates to see if I have told me a lie, if they have cheated me, if they have exposed me.”
For the false report, accusing him of getting out of “Breakfast” a few days ago, he replied today George Liagas In the air of ANT1.
Specifically, George Liagas had said that Thessaloniki journalists tried to get into the hospital chamber to secure photographic snapshots and information about the 37 -year -old in which the 3 -year -old Angel’s kidneys were transplanted.
Today, then, George Liagas responded and stressed that the report was true and there are even messages that his partner exchanged with the Deputy Minister of Health on the subject.
“I’ll tell you the whole truth, because I have always learned to do so. When an acclaimed colleague comes and gives me a report and tells me that “he is checked, I talked to him”, it is not my position to say that he is not going and that I will get to know. You trust your partners when they bring you a report.
One of the most experienced reporters is Kelley Chiropractor, who brought the report that there was a discomfort of the Deputy Minister of Health because some, probably journalists, entered the man’s room who had received the kidneys of the three -year -old boy. It is a journalistic truth if a journalist has done this“, Initially George Liagas.
George Liagas then said: “The associates have arranged to take out the Deputy Minister of Health to talk about this issue. At the last minute, because the news is great, we decided to play the matter without getting the deputy minister. Kelley conveyed the report and I did the same character.
Then the Association of Thessaloniki Journalists released a statement and I have to hear them. I also went to my associates to see if they have told me a lie, if they have cheated me, if they have exposed me. Even so it was, I would take responsibility. And my colleagues told me that we have learned the report from there and there are even messages.
With one of the associates of the Deputy Minister of Health who says that the minister is really furious because they entered the room journalists. I saw the messages with my eyes. That a associate of the Deputy Minister had sent a message to my partner that the deputy minister would come out and, among other things, talk about this inadequacy, to enter the room journalists. “
In closing, George Liagas said: “So, I have the messages, don’t question the report. The message of the basic partner of the Deputy Minister of Health exists. I invite my friend Adonis Georgiadis to go out and look for not us who did the report, but who from the ministry was conveying to the deputy minister apparently a wrong information. Don’t force me to get the message out! I don’t do it to blackmail anyone, I don’t get used to it.
A few days ago, the Thessaloniki Technical Association made a statement that in a report on a lost skier, a Thessaloniki journalist went and took shots and interviews from the skier in the ambulance or hospital room. Then you didn’t mind, now that Liagas has given you the report. “