“It is gloomy to see people who had such a strong footprint in the world, accompanied people, to be tested, possibly to blame …”
Invited to the show “The Breakfast” was Yiannis Bezos, where he revealed to George Liaga that he met yesterday Petros Filippides Both of them just exchanged a few conversations.
“Once I found myself by coincidence yesterday. Accidentally. We told the foot of two three words. But I think that because it’s in the process of trial, I want to believe that things will be smoothed. I don’t watch the trial exactly what is happening but I would like to be a bad dream all this thing, “he said Giannis Bezos and then stated:
“It is gloomy to see people who had such a strong footprint in the world, accompanied people, to suffer in this sense, to be tested, they may be to blame … but the court will decide, and when we accept the proceedings of the trial, to do the proceedings, to accept the proceedings of the trial, to accept them, and when we accept the proceedings of the trial, We also accept the results of the court. Also, let’s not try in advance and not all circulate as if we have a halo from above, while the bad ones are these people. It’s not exactly so we know it. “