There has been a decrease of 8.1% compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year
In 9.5% the percentage of unemployment In the country in the fourth quarter last year, from 9% in the previous quarter (3rd quarter of 2024) and compared to 10.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023. The number of unemployed amounted to 449,123 people, increasing 4.8% compared to the previous quarter and a decrease of 8.1% in relation to the previous quarter. Of the total unemployed, about 240,281 people are long -term unemployed, as they are looking for more years.
In women, unemployment rate amounted to 12.1% and men at 7.5%.
Age, the highest percentages occur in groups of 15-9 years (24%) and 20-24 years (22.9%). Following are the ages of 25-29 years (17.4%), 30-44 years (9.8%), 45-64 years (6.4%) and 65 years and older (6.4%).
At the country’s regions level, in the top three are the southern Aegean (15.5%), the Ionian Islands (14.8%) and Central Macedonia (12.4%). Following are Epirus (11.6%), Western Macedonia (10.7%), Eastern Macedonia-Thrace (10.6%), Western Greece (9.9%), Central Greece (9.4%), Thessaly (8.7%), Peloponnese (8%), Attica (7.8%), Attica (7.8%) (6.4%).
ELSTAT’s workforce research shows that the main reason for the unemployed to work is because their work was limited and ended (37.1%). The percentage of unemployed who have not worked in the past (new unemployed) is 20.2%.
The percentage of unemployed jobs one year or more (long -term unemployed) is 53.5%. The majority of the unemployed have completed until secondary education (60.1%). The percentage of the unemployed who say they are not registered with the DBA (formerly OAED) is 21.2%, while the percentage of those who declare that they receive a bonus or aid from DBA is 17.5%, was reported to the EIA.
The number of employees amounted to 4,278,704 people, down 1% compared to the previous quarter and an increase of 2.3% compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, the largest percentage of employees work as employees (69.6%), and the percentage of self -employed personnel (19.7%) is also important.
The part -time rate is 5.6%, down 11.2% compared to the previous quarter and a decrease of 23.8% compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
The percentage of people with temporary work is 8.1%, recording a decrease of 26.2% compared to the previous quarter and a 21.3% decrease compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
The occupations that collect the largest percentage of employees are professionals (22.8%) and services employees and sellers (22.3%). Compared to the previous quarter, there is an increase in senior managers and executives (10.5%) and professionals (4.9%). In the other categories there is a decrease, with the most important being recorded in unskilled workers, manual and small professionals (5.7%). Compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, the largest increase is observed in operators of industrial installations, machinery and equipment (11.2%), while the largest decrease in specialized farmers, breeders, forests and fishermen (8.6%).
53.4% of employees said they worked 40-47 hours a week, while a significant percentage (18%) said they worked 48 or more. The majority of employees (82%) say they worked at ordinary hours during the reference week. 5.4% of employees say they would like to work longer hours, 2% are part -time under -employed who would like to work more and could start working more in the next two weeks, and 1.3% have more than one job.
Finally, people who are not included in the workforce, or “people outside the workforce” (that is, people who do not work or seek work) amounted to 4,282,742 people. In particular, individuals outside the workforce under 75 years of age, amounted to 3,050,938 people. Their rate increased 0.7% compared to the previous quarter and decreased 2.4% compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
The majority of people outside the 15-74-year-old workforce, whether they have never worked in the past (46.5%) or have spent more than 8 years since they stopped their last job (27.7%). Of the people who worked in the last 8 years, the largest percentage stopped working because it retired (57.1%), or because their work was limited and ended (17.3%).
93.5% of people outside the workforce say they do not want to work. 0.9% say they are looking for a job but are not readily available to take over, while 2.7% say they are available to undertake work immediately but do not seek.