Which will be paid with a prepaid card and which in cash – The benefits of using a prepaid card
The insurance bill also includes changes in the way some social benefits are granted, as most of them will be credited to cards.
The majority of allowances will be paid via prepaid card and there will be a cash withdrawal limit. The beneficiary will not be able to take more than 50% of the cash benefit. But there will also be incentives for using the debit card. There will be raffles with cash and other prizes for those who will spend, who will have the necessary receipts and who will possibly spend the entire amount of the allowance by electronic means.
Child, birth, unemployment benefits, long-term unemployed benefits and others will be paid with a prepaid card. Apart from the card, OPEKA benefits include disability benefits, housing benefits for uninsured seniors, expatriates, mountainous and disadvantaged areas, funeral expenses, uninsured seniors and housing assistance.
Also, for uninsured senior citizens, as well as the special allowances paid to minor children and siblings of those who died in natural disasters. In addition to the prepaid card from the benefits, there is still an employer’s insolvency benefit, but also all the extraordinary financial aids.