Comes in a single insured information system
OR digital card work is put in full application from March 1st In tourism and focus with the Deputy Minister of Labor, Kostas Karagounito state that “so far 815,000 hours of overtime have been declared through this application”, while revealing that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, that, at the same time, while revealing that, ‘Comes a single information system of insured’.
Speaking to ERT, the Deputy Minister said that with the extension of the measure “more than 1.5 million employees would be covered”.
Reinforced checks and fines
As he pointed out to the proper implementation of the measure, the Labor Inspectorate (SEA) reinforces the checks and fines, ensuring that there will be no violations.
“Checks and fines have increased significantly, while flexibility is provided where there are objective difficulties,” Kotas Karagounis said.
At the same time, he said that the Ministry of Labor is in constant communication with social partners and chambers, and information webinars are being held for a better understanding of the measure.
“Law labor is very important, because with the data we have, the revenue of insurance funds from overtime, overtime, nightclubs and holidays are only 1.5%.”he said, noting that all these actions “are trying to enhance full employment”.
As he himself said, “Three out of four employees are declared as full -time. “ According to the Deputy Minister, this measure is an incentive for employers because “as you reduce wage costs, as you do all these initiatives, you give the incentive to turn part -time contracts into full -time.”
What changes in insurance contributions
Speaking about what is changing in insurance contributions, Kostas Karagounis stressed that “the extra money the employee gets due to overwork not to be counted in the payment of contributions.” And as he said, there is more money for both the employee and the employer.
The Deputy Minister of Labor by talking about Work card He pointed out that, “it protects not only employees but also healthy businesses, preventing unfair competition from companies that do not comply with labor law”.
‘Digitizing the insurance history’ is proceeding
Referring to the actions of the Ministry of Labor, he said that “digitizing the insurance history”, which in combination with the unified insured information system will enable it to be faster issuance of auxiliary pensions.
‘It will be a real revolution when these two systems are completed’ added by the Deputy Minister of Labor, while giving credit to Commander of EFKA, Alexander Varveris.
At the same time the deputy minister talked about Employment Program for unemployed aged 55 to 74 expanding by offering a subsidized work to 6,000 people in public sector bodies (1st, second degree, decentralized administrations and public). The program, totaling EUR 108 million, will be fully covered by the DBA budget and the grant duration will be one year extending for another year.