In full swings ELAS’s investigations. that attribute the 39 -year -old’s murder to clearing an account
Investigations by the ELAS organized crime prosecution are in full swing. For the perpetrator of the 39 -year -old Turkish -born Mafia murder yesterday at noon near the KTEL “Macedonia” in Thessaloniki.
The law enforcement authorities are looking for the motivation of the murder and in this context they are considering the version of clearing accounts. As part of the investigations, police collect material from security cameras in the area, trying to map the route that followed the dark jeep, which the performer was aboard. In addition, police officers have been investigating homes in Thessaloniki in recent hours, where Turkish nationals reside, and had been brought up in the past or had been involved in the law enforcement authorities, examining a possible connection with the case, but without so far.
During home investigations, however, five arrests were made to possess a small amount of hemp. For the same reason, the 39 -year -old murderer was arrested, who was driving the car. car and accepted the fire. This (driver) was transferred this morning to the prosecutor who was prosecuted for violating the law on drugs and weapons (in addition to a knife), and was referred to be tried by the Autonomous proceedings at the Thessaloniki Criminal Court.
The 39 -year -old victim, sitting in the passenger seat, was killed by a 9 -pistol on his head and chest. Reports indicate that he resided permanently in Piraeus and was in Greece as a person who applied for asylum. Both the passionate and his compatriot driver have no criminal past in Greece, as it became known by ELAS.