“I heard his outburst and it took me a while to stop laughing,” said the basketball player
Nikos Pappas appeared on Sissys Christidou’s show on MEGA, to respond to Giorgos Liagas’ outburst, regarding what the basketball player said on Katerina Zarifi’s show on OPEN.
“It is not my purpose to get angry with Liagas. The placement was made for another reason and I will need to clarify that. Maybe the people I was addressing are not that smart and perceptive. The oxymoron is that I mentioned Liagas, because it is a show that I have made statements about once or twice. It felt more familiar to mention him. I talked about all the shows that mention Kasselakis and if he ate kouro cheese pie. Where is their placement on such important issues?’ he said initially.
“I can’t stand the hypocrisy of channels and shows. I will not fight with Liagas, as if I need to. Still because I heard his outburst and it took me a while to stop laughing. We also have the same hangouts and we can have a conversation in person”, said Nikos Pappas initially and continued: “If he wants, let him raise his voice. I don’t have anything personal. He said about lawsuits… Leave the threats to me, that’s another track. I wanted to clarify this, because many times people do not have the basic understanding and intelligence to understand any position that is being made. I hope the man understood what I meant. He has the advantage of having a three-hour show, bursting out and saying whatever he wants. We don’t have that luxury. I don’t know if he will be detained until Monday, he can go on Sunday and talk about it somewhere. I used his name, just to express my grief and my complaint about the shows that show this kind of issues and not the important ones.”