“Why doesn’t she also chase Kyriakos with Mareva Mitsotakis, so we can see if she drinks her coffee straight?”
The former Panathinaikos basketball player, Nikos Pappas, made a sharp criticism of the commentary made by Giorgos Liagas on the personal life of Stefanos Kasselakis, on the show of Katerina Zarifis at Open.
“I had a conversation with Stefanos Kasselakis and he seemed sensitive and willing to offer. Now if Giorgos Liagas is chasing him, why is he with Tyler Macbeth or anything… Why isn’t he also chasing Kyriakos with Mareva Mitsotakis, to see if he drinks her coffee straight?”, said Nikos Pappas. Katerina Zarifi then commented: “It is not only Liagas, we are all chasing Stefanos Kasselakis, because he also goes out, makes moves, goes to the gym and builds all this”.
“I think this is all your own making. He obviously has a profile, which is out of the ordinary. He is a young man, who grew up in America, in a better quality of life and in a high social class”, retorted Nikos Pappas.