The actor who has now moved and lives in Katakolo declares that “the theater chapter for me has closed for good”
Pavlos Haikalis talked about the offer he refused to play in a central theater in Athens, his life in Katakolo, but also his relations with Petros Filippidis on the “Proinono” show.
The actor initially stated that “I had a proposal for a central theater, but I did not accept it. I no longer have anything to do with the space.” “We, you know, morally inferior people, in relation to some others, who are morally superior, I don’t think we need. We’ve been ranked somewhere, so there’s no need to go on. Since that’s how they set it up, that’s how they went about it and that’s how they built it for so long. One cannot go against the system. Even some others who said about me, that “Haikalis has behaved differently”, then said “but we cannot go against this system”. I understand them and because I understand, I let things develop as they are. It doesn’t matter,” he added.
He then referred to Petros Filippidis. “We have contacts. Sometimes we talk about some things, I call him, he picks me up. Especially after “50-50″ came out, we exchanged some words. We don’t have daily contact. We haven’t said too much about the case. It is a matter that concerns him and no third party can speak for him, on his behalf. I don’t think we’ll meet. Now, I rarely go up to Athens,” he explained.
He closed by saying: “I did a self-criticism and saw my mistakes. I change step and go forward. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone. Everyone is faced with their conscience. My life was the theater. This chapter for me has been definitively closed.”