Will be “sealed” the shop from the first offense
Is tightened the legislative framework governing the sale, offer and disposal of tobacco and related to those of products and alcoholic drink with the ultimate purpose the protection of minors.
The Minister of HealthAdonis Georgiadis And the Deputy Minister of Health, Dimitrios Vartzopoulos, presented the relevant bill to the cabinet.
Object is the Establish an effective control mechanism to prevent minors’ access to alcohol With the establishment of a compulsory identity demonstration by the seller at all points of sale, the establishment of strict administrative sanctions and the re -establishment of the sale of alcohol to minors, the assumption in entertainment centers.
According to ERTan effective control mechanism is established to prevent minors’ access to tobacco products and related products, namely:
- The compulsory demonstration of identity by the seller at all points of sale and
- The establishment of strict administrative sanctions in cases of violations.
The purchase of tobacco and related products are more fully regulated
A mechanism for evaluating and controlling the compliance of tobacco and their products with the requirements and specifications of Law 4419/2016 is established.
The conditions for traffic on the market, electrically heated products and non -smoke products, the universal ban on the sale, supply and disposal of minors and the provision of corresponding sanctions are regulated.
With the draft law of the Ministry of Health presented to the Council of Ministers now:
- Alcohol administration to minors is upgraded to a misdemeanor offense.
- The seller’s obligation is explicitly proceeded to proceed with the customer’s age certification by demonstrating not only in catering and entertainment but also on kiosks and mini/super markets.
- Violators are threatened with strict penalties from the first breach and seal of the store, even a definitive removal of operating license in case of recurrence
- Police take on a major audit role and are assisted by the Municipal Police, the Port Authority and the National Transparency Authority.
- It is forbidden to enter minors into entertainment centers, while private events that are being made to them are compulsorily announced to police authorities.
“Our goal is to be sure that alcoholic beverages will only be sold with an identity indicator, as is the case abroad. The seller will be responsible for either trading or serving the catering center and the penalties will be strict, “Kyriakos Mitsotakis said.
The bill provides for a universal ban on the sale of tobacco products and products that are heated or stepped up to minors as well as nicotine electronics.
The draft law also provides for the creation of a new special unit in ESO to control new tobacco and related products.