Discounts range from 5% to 24% – In the next period they are expected to proceed with price reductions in 600 codes
Updated and completed the list of product codes that have been included in the price reduction initiative so far.
According to an announcement by the Ministry of Development, the updated list includes 362 product codes that have so far been included in the supermarket price reduction initiative, and the reductions range from 5% to 24%. It is recalled that according to the estimates of the Supermarket Association, its members will proceed with price reductions in the next period in 600 codes.
The Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos stated: “The effort to de-escalate prices and increase the disposable income of citizens continues with undiminished intensity. Combining audits with social responsibility and consumer information. We are moving forward steadily, alongside the citizens and especially those who are most in need.”
See the updated list HERE