Yesterday’s business concerned the repatriation of agricultural nationals
It was completed late last night, Wednesday, February 12, another asylum seekers return operation, whose application was permanently rejected. As announced by the competent ministry, yesterday’s operation involved the repatriation of nationals Georgianwho returned to their country of origin, in the context of the implementation of national and European immigration management rules. This is the second return business within the last ten days, and there are others next.
This return flight was implemented in the framework of the program “Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns and Reintegration Measures as well as the operation of a Voluntary Return Applicants.” The program, which is funded by the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum By co -financing of the European Union, it is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). It aims to voluntarily return 17,000 third -country nationals to their countries of origin, as well as to reintegrate aid to 1,700 immigrants through aid in kind for the period from September 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027.
The Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, welcomed the intensification of returns and deportations, stressing, according to the RES EIA: “The country prioritizes our national borders, which are also European borders, with a goal. Strengthening the sense of security of local communities. To this end, we are implementing a rigorous but fair immigration policy. A catalyst for this policy is the awarding of asylum to those who are truly entitled to it. For those who do not meet the international protection criteria, returning to their home country is the only choice. “