In the context of ex officio investigation in a company active in the supply, trading, wholesale and retail markets
The Competition Commission carried out a surprise spot check on the coffee, chocolate and baby food markets on December 17 and 18.
According to a statement, the surprise on-site inspection was carried out as part of an ex officio investigation in a company active in the supply, trading, wholesale and retail markets of coffee, chocolate and baby food, regarding possible anti-competitive horizontal and/or vertical partnerships, as well as possible abuse of a dominant position. It is recalled in the announcement that audits are carried out in companies or associations of companies, from which evidence of anti-competitive practices in the investigated markets can be collected and does not prejudge that the companies have engaged in anti-competitive behavior, nor does it prejudge the outcome of the research.
The Commission states that, as the guardian of the orderly operation of the free market, it is charged with the application of competition rules and underlines that “it will intervene as an immediate priority where deemed necessary and will examine every relevant case that comes to its attention, by submitting complaint, request for leniency or anonymous relevant information through the secure digital environment (whistleblowing) or otherwise, and will impose strict administrative sanctions on companies that may engage in anti-competitive practices”.