Thousands of citizens scan the receipts they receive from businesses with their mobile phones
Sixty complaints about tax evasionsmuggling and corruption receive on average per day on its online platform AADE while thousands of citizens scan the receipts they receive from businesses with their mobile phones and through the app “Appodixi” report cases of tampered cash registers.
To date, 5,559 cases of complaints have been submitted to the “Citizen Complaints” platform, of which 922 are named and 4,637 anonymous. It is noted that citizens are given the opportunity to report either named or anonymous cases related to tax and customs violations, corruption of AADE employees.
Complaints-information submitted to the platform are channeled systematically and automatically depending on their object and content, to the competent structures for further investigation or control as the case may be.
At the same time, the introduction of bonuses from 100 to 3,000 euros to those taxpayers who reveal fake receipts through the mobile phone application “appodixi” has strengthened the stream of citizens who “scan” the receipts to check their authenticity.
It is typical that 153,380 complaints have been made through the application, of which 69,046 are named and 84,334 are anonymous. According to the latest figures from the AADE, more than 250,000 citizens have downloaded the “Appodixi” application to their mobile phones.
The monetary reward measure for taxpayers who report cases of tax evasion has been activated and provides for the following:
- If, following a named complaint against a business through the AADE’s “QR code appodixi” scanning application concerning retail sales data, a tax audit is conducted and a fine is imposed, for violation or falsification or interference in the operation of the F.H.M. the complainant receives a monetary reward following a decision of the Governor of AADE. It is noted that employees of the AADE, the Ministry of National Economy and Finance, as well as the employees of the Economic Police Directorate of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, who carry out audit duties, are not entitled to the monetary reward.
- The monetary reward amounts to ten times the transaction value of the issued retail item, for which the complaint was made, including the corresponding Value Added Tax and in no case shall it be less than 100 euros nor exceed 3,000 euros. If the complaint concerns several tax items issued by the same entity, the monetary reward is calculated on the issued tax item with the highest value.
- The prize money does not fall under any category of income and is exempt from any tax, withholding, fee or levy in favor of the State, Social Security Agencies, Legal Entities under Public Law or third parties and is inalienable and non-seizable in the hands of the State or third parties, notwithstanding any other provision, it is not bound and not set off against confirmed debts to the State, public law legal entities, local self-government organizations and their legal entities, insurance funds and credit institutions and is not counted against the income limits for the payment of any social or of a welfare nature.