What are the necessary supporting documents?
The participation of additional ferry companies is announced, following the 05-10-2023 Press Release, in the joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports and the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, for discounts on the ferry tickets of substitutes hired during the 2nd phase teachers Primary and Secondary Education, in order for them to go to the placement and service area (Attached is the updated table of discounts on ferry tickets).
It is recalled that with a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports and the Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy, reductions have been announced in ferry tickets for substitute teachers hired during both the A and B phases. The discount will cover the movement of teachers from their permanent places of residence to the final island, where they took up service. Necessary supporting documents for the provision of the discount will be the relevant decision of the Ministry of Education, Religions and Sports, which mentions their recruitment, as well as their Police ID.