It was recognized for the quality of its services in the “2023 Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards” in the category of airports hosting 5 to 15 million passengers per year, as well as in the category of airports with the highest level of cleanliness.
Fraport Greece was distinguished in the “2023 Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards” for Thessaloniki Airport “Macedonia”, which for the 2nd consecutive year was recognized as one of the leading airports in Europe, in the category of airports serving 5 to 15 million passengers annually and for the 1st year to one of the top airports in Europe in terms of its level of cleanliness.
More specifically, the ASQ Awards, an initiative of the Airports Council International (ACI), reward the best airports worldwide, according to the opinion of passengers. The uniqueness of these awards lies in the evaluation process, which directly collects passenger feedback during their journey, ensuring the most realistic depiction of their experience and satisfaction.
This distinction for Thessaloniki Airport “Macedonia” not only confirms the best practices applied, as well as the high-quality services provided by the airport’s fully qualified staff, but also contributes to enhancing the visibility of the city of Thessaloniki and Greece as a whole .
Alexander Zinell, CEO of Fraport Greece, said: “The awards that distinguish Thessaloniki Airport “Macedonia” as one of the leading airports in Europe – and indeed from our passengers themselves – fill us with joy and pride for our Company , for all our employees, but also for our partners. This distinction gives us a strong impetus to continue our work with even greater empathy, always focusing on the expectations and needs of all our passengers, as they develop over time. Our main goal remains the contribution to the development of Greek tourism and local societies, through the sustainable development of our Company, while providing a safe and unforgettable travel experience to all passengers”.