To whom the program is addressed
They started today, Monday, February 24, from 14:00 until March 10, applications for the new program cycle ‘Tourism for all’ through
The aim of the program is to enhance domestic tourism activity through the issuance of intangible digital debit cards, which beneficiaries can use to accommodate any hotel or accommodation in the country, without geographical restrictions.
According to the announcement, providers are also immediately compensated in this circle, which puts an end to waiting and time -consuming bureaucratic processes. The program is being implemented in the framework of the cooperation of Tourism Ministers Olga Kefalogiannis and Digital Government Dimitris Papastergiou, Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanassis and the Deputy Ministers of National Economy and Finance Thanos Petralias and Thanos Petralia.
The budget of the new, third cycle exceeds EUR 18.3 million from resources of the National Development Program, through the Special Emergency Response Program, and will also be used in the second cycle, which exceeds 7.3 million euro.
Under the “Tourism for All 2025” program, an amount of aid is provided depending on the period of the year selected by the beneficiary when submitting the application. In particular, to reinforce the mountainous and winter tourism there is an increased subsidy for the period from the date of issuance of digital cards to 30/4/2025 as well as from 1/10/2025 to 31/12/2025. There are also increased amounts for vulnerable population groups, such as retirees, three -child and older, single parent families, people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities.
It is noted that Potential beneficiaries of the program are natural individuals who meet specific income criteria and have submitted a definitive statement of income tax for natural persons for the year 2023. The amount of the amount can be carried out as a lump sum or partial up to 31.12.2025, to support the choice of holidays outside the high tourist season.
Before submitting an application, citizens should have been registered with the National Communication Registry (EMP), declaring mobile phone number and e-mail address, as well as choosing to communicate with public administration bodies.
They then apply by following the following steps:
- They enter the platform with taxisnet codes.
- Register and certify their email and mobile phone.
- Choose whether they will use the intangible card during the low or high period.
- Select the card financial institution.
- Declare whether the same or protected member has a disability ≥67.
- They state responsibly that they have not been selected as beneficiaries under the 2025 Social Tourism Program of the DUI, the programs “Tourism for all 2022-2023” and “Tourism for All 2024” regardless of whether or not they used the benefit or not, That money will be used exclusively for accommodation, certify the accuracy of the data and consent to their processing to calculate the subsidy.
- Submit the application.
Alternatively, the person concerned may apply for participation in the “Tourism for All 2025” program at the Citizens Service Centers (KEP) either in person or by authorizing his representative. Through the KEP It is possible to carry out all stages of the procedure by a certified employee.
The program is granted intangible digital debit card per period as follows:
- During the high period, ie from 05.2025 to 30.09.2025, beneficiaries receive an intangible digital card worth 200 euros. If the beneficiaries are a) unmarried or widowed state with protected children b) married or part -time cohabitation with three protected children and above c) pensioners of all funds with a definitive decision to award a pension due to old age until 31.12.2023, then during the High period, they receive an amount of 300 euros of three hundred euros. In particular, people with a disability rate of 67% or more, as well as beneficiaries with children of disability of 67% or more receive 400 euros.
- During the low period, that is, from the date of entry into force of intangible digital debit cards up to 30.04.2025 as well as from 01.10.2025 to 31.12.2025, beneficiaries receive an intangible digital card worth 300 euros. If the beneficiaries are a) unmarried or widowed state with protected children b) married or part -time cohabitation with three protected children and above c) pensioners of all funds with a definitive decision to award a pension due to old age until 31.12.2023, then during the Low period receive an amount of three hundred € 400. In particular, people with a disability rate of 67% or more, as well as the beneficiaries with a disability rate of 67% or more receive 600 euros.
It is emphasized that in the case of beneficiaries who qualify for more than one of the above categories, the application is classified as a maximum subsidy amount. Also, the amounts relate solely to the beneficiary and are not increased in the event of members of the members.
Upon completion of the deadline for submitting applications to the program, the potential beneficiaries are classified into two (2) temporary tables of potential beneficiaries respectively as the period they have chosen when submitting the application, to which the application number are listed and the last four digits of their tax register number (VAT). The definitive high -period beneficiaries table and the definitive low -period beneficiaries table, for which the digital debit card will be issued, shall be formed by electronic draw between the applications by the above temporary tables. The final tables of beneficiaries and the non -drawn or excluded tables shall be drawn up by a decision of the implementing body. It should be noted that the temporary lists of beneficiaries and the final lists of high and low period beneficiaries are posted on the websites of the Ministry of Tourism and the Implementation Agency.
The implementing body of the program is the MAE Information Society, a body of the Ministry of Digital Government.
Interested parties can search at or through the HELPDESK Center at 210-2150231 and via email [email protected].